
It feels like…

In recent times, I have only updated this blog once a year, just giving an update on life and where I am and what’s going on. I plan to change that moving forward, but I would be remiss if I didn’t provide my annual updates. Let’s see…work still working, hoping to venture out and start […]

Okay 2023… pending year 35

I think the last time I posted was around 3 years ago on my 32nd birthday. A global pandemic, life changes, and new love later, I decided I needed to post something! Let me say that I’ve never apologized for who I am, but I certainly recognize how my actions may affect someone else. I […]

The Wisdom of 32

I recently celebrated my 32nd birthday, and in an overwhelm of emotions I had a lot to process. We, as in the entire world, are in a state of crisis. Living life in a surreal state of connected distance, unemployment rising, people dying, and prison lock-down, we have accepted a new normal while the powers […]

Grieving the losses

With the passing of my aunt fresh in my mind and heavy on my heart, I wanted to express some things to lighten the load. I’ve lost a few people who are significant to me and it seems to only be getting harder. I’m pretty solid emotionally, but death is never easy no matter how […]

Push Thru Baby…Push Thru…

Self love is the gateway to understanding and valuing your worth in the creative world. The biggest problems creatives encounter tend to be depression and self hate. The sheer amount of times you hear “I am my own worst critic” should tell you it is the motto of the creative community. Enduring the hate of […]