Welcome to my world…

Thank you for visiting my website and taking the time to get to know the diva behind the magic. Please know that I will not tolerate bitterness, hate speech, racism, fat shaming, slut shaming, or any negativity in general.

I am no stranger to online blogs, and I am no stranger to writing about my life. I do however love reinventing my look. With this blog, I hope to give new life to my voice. No great idea comes uninspired, and this one is no different. I hope to turn this blog into something insightful, informative, entertaining and just all around a good read.

I love indulging in life’s pleasures, so why would I not want to talk and share about the things I enjoy? EXACTLY! With that being said, indulge with me, share your guilty pleasures and desires from in the bedroom to the office. What keeps you happy? What keeps you sane? What keeps you going every day?

Some very important things to remember, I am a proud black woman, Just because i am fair skinned does not make me any less black, I will literally fight you if you try to water down my love for black people, and I will bring race into a lot of what I talk about.

While I need an outlet from this crazy journey to becoming a BOSS, sometimes a diva just needs to write it out.

I am not for everyone, and I’m okay with that. I can only be me, love it or hate it.