Sex is a game and Love is an art. Don’t try to play a game when you want to create art. -Dymond Diva
When it comes to sex and love people tend to get things confused. The way to get to someones heart is not through their pants or up their skirt. You can’t expect someone to love, cherish and respect you for years to come if all you seem to do is suck and fuck when you see each other. There is no foundation to that relationship, so it can not grow into anything stable and substantial.
There are common phrases talking about someones “sexgame”. This is because you can play so much with sex and its supposed to be fun. You play with food, with toys, with positions, with so much, that it is just like a game. People always want to know how good at it you are. With society norms being what they are, guys are more open about their “game”, even if it is a lie, they will still talk about it.
When it comes to love, it is like art. A lot of great love is lost, because its not appreciated and cared for when its around. Great artists like Picaso, Da Vinci and Van Gough didn’t get significant recognition until their lives were over. My first great love didn’t appreciate me until he cheated on me and I left him. He didn’t realize that I was his everything and I was the only one that supported him the way he needed. Didn’t realize it till he left his 80% for that 20%. If you don’t know what that means go watch Tyler Perry’s “Why did I get married”.
If you want to build a masterpiece, don’t let the games of life and sex get in the way and cloud your judgement. If you’re not ready for love, then don’t lead the one you are with to believe that you are, it only leads to hurt feelings and bitter people. If more people are open about their true feelings and intentions, then less people would be in toxic relationships and marriages. Just marinate on that and don’t let it escape your mind when you enter into your next relationship.